Sunday, June 29, 2008

Marigolds and Mosquitoes Solutions

My daughter and I have been discussing mosquito remedies and though they are not buzzing around my ears here in California, she said they are in full force in Massachusetts's. I'v read that marigolds are great to repell mosquitos and other unwanted insects. I recently subscribed to "Real Simple" (life made easier) and they also suggest trying, Repel Lemon Eucalyptus in a concentrated formula which can be found at and costs about$6.50. Other interesting facts about those pesky insects: they are not attracted to perfume they are only attracted to your breathing, they are weak fliers, keeping a fan on may deter them and wouldn't you know it, female mosquitos are the ones after your blood because they need the protein to lay eggs. Other suggested websites by Real Simple are: and patches, Come to think of it the smoke that is blanketing our state might be keeping the mosquitoes at bay - it's a miserable situation!

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